What is CBD?

Cannabidiol or CBD is only one of more than 140 cannabinoids discovered and identified in the cannabis plant (Cannabis Sativa L.). CBD is the most abundant cannabinoid in hemp plants and it can be found in flowers and trichomes of every cannabis strain.

The advantages of CBD - According to studies

  • Relaxing
    Promotes Relaxation
  • Regulates appetite
    Increased appetite
  • Against insomnia
    Fights Insomnia
  • Analgesic effect
    Relieves Pain
  • Fights headaches
    Removes Headache
  • Mood-lifting
    Improves Mood

CBD and THC - What's all the fuss about?

THC is considered to be a “notorious” cannabinoid because its psychoactive effects are the main cause that cannabis use is despised and in many cases even prohibited.

Thankfully misconceptions and prejudices are slowly fading away, but the law still prohibits that THC levels are higher than 0,2% (or 0,3%).

CBD, on the other hand, is completely non-psychoactive and legal compound, that instead of central, has a major effect on the peripheral nervous system and immune system and does not cause the high. In general, we can say that CBD helps with balancing our endocannabinoid system which has a great impact on numerous brain functions (pain perception, movement, emotions, sleep, etc.).


CBD - What physicians swear by

Interest in the therapeutic potential of CBD is rapidly increasing among scientists, doctors and users. This is mostly due to numerous scientifically proven effects of CBD on our bodies (endocannabinoid system) and the rapid growth of a wide variety of CBD products.

Scientists came to conclusion that CBD can help with insomnia, migraines, schizophrenia, cancer, dystonia and dyskinesia, epilepsy and seizures, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimers, ischemia, diabetes, inflammations, obesity, nerve protection, vomiting, hepatitis, damaged liver, brain functionality, sepsis, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disorders, along with numerous skin and health problems.

Despite its widespread use, CBD (cannabidiol) has no side effects and is not harmful to our health. Besides that, it has been scientifically proven that CBD can neutralize the intoxicating effects of THC, such as forgetfulness and anxiety. Both CBD and THC are the most abundant and the most researched cannabinoids in cannabis/hemp.

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